Amboseli National Park

On your game drives on Amboseli’s great horizons you can spot wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, gazelle and of course, cheetahs and lions. And not to be overlooked – smaller mammals like hyena, foxes, jackals, vervet monkey and the yellow baboon abound. The bird life is equally rich especially in the park’s marshes and lakes. Be ready for sightings of pelicans, kingfishers, crakes, egrets and the Madagascar heron. And raptors – 47 types have been spotted including falcon and the harrier eagle. The sky and horizon are vast here encompassing Amboseli’s 5 wildlife environments which ensure great numbers and diversity: wetlands, savannah, woodlands, thorn-bush and the dry lakebed of Lake Amboseli. Even the word “Amboseli” comes from a Maasai word meaning “salty dust”
- The park is generally hot and dry except during the rainy season. Average day time temperatures are a toasty 28oC/82oF.
- with its reputation for active elephant sighting it’s easy to spot them roaming the plains in the morning and evenings. And during much of the day you can observe them splashing and foraging in Ol Okenya Swamp
- the elephants at Amboseli live a rich and protected life. But they are also keenly studied, thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. Cynthia Moss. Echo, the most researched of the elephants, was the subject of numerous books and documentaries and studied for almost 40 years by Dr. Moss.
- With its pyramid shape this is a unique spot. It’s also one of the few spots in the park where you can get out of your safari vehicle and just walk. At the summit, take in the plains, marshes, lakes and roads below. You’ll see wonderful views of Mt. Kilimanjaro to the south and the great swamps to the east.
- Not far from Observation Hill, take a northern road to the Sinet Delta for excellent birdwatching. As you turn south be on the lookout for giraffes foraging in the thicker brush. And some wonderful views of Kilimanjaro.
- There are several Maasai communities around Amboseli Park. If you wish, your guide can arrange a visit to see and meet these authentic nomadic people and learn about their culture and lifestyle.